The Scuffers - Scrambled Pictures

I wasn’t familiar with THE SCUFFERS, but I am now.
They are a Glasgow based band, whose music has an likeable rawness to it. They’re not what I’d label a Country band, but there are definite Country influences in their music.
“Scrambled Pictures”, is their second album, and apparently the first one had more of a Country feel to it.
Recorded at Glasgow’s Carlton studios, all the songs were written by Gavin Wallace, who also leads the vocals, and plays acoustic guitar, harmonica,recorder and melodica. There are six members in the band, but a total of ten musicians are playing on the album.
Some of the tracks are on the rocky side, but there are plenty of Country influences, notably the simple “I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now”, the haunting story song, “The Night God Came To Town”, and the breezy “Take Me Down”, and “A Man Who Treats You Right”
The harmonies at the start of “A Heartful Of Lovin’” are superb, and really show the important part Angie Darcy plays on the album. This track also features some nice melodica.
“High And Low” has a good strumming guitar beat, in a Dave Edmunds style. Elsewhere, The Scuffers reminded me of another Glasgow band of yesteryear, the Humpff Family.
I really enjoyed the album. It was bright and breezy and refreshing.
Only one caution. Track 10, an otherwise pleasant ballad called “Here’s To The Day’s”, is spoiled by the use of unneccesary swearing, which will certainly prevent it getting radio play.
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